Episode 19: Top 5 questions for your next Customer Success Interview
Preparation always comes before Success, Even in the dictionary. What if I tell you...

Episode 18: Do you need a specialised degree to be a Customer Success Manager?
Do you think Customer Success Managers need a specialised degree? In this episode, I...

Episode 17: Why Customer Success is the best role ever made!
Love Customer Success? Listen to this episode of The CS Mentor podcast to understand...

Episode 16: Going out of the Box and Getting more Interviews
It is often said that 'When something doesn't work the traditional way, Do something...

Episode 15: LinkedIn - How to start conversations and get interviews
Okay, So you have an awesome LinkedIn profile. You are getting some profile views...

Episode 14: LinkedIn - Your experience matters
Do you know the secret to accelerate your career and get a job via...